Home Semasa #Semasa: Malaysia remains Russia’s steadfast partner

#Semasa: Malaysia remains Russia’s steadfast partner

by Air Times Correspondent

KUALA LUMPUR, 24 JUNE – Malaysia remains a steadfast partner to Russia, as it moves forward despite the collective pressure exerted by the West.

Assuring this, Russian ambassador Naiyl Latypov said that in the current tough times, his country placed great importance on the support of its friends and partners, among which Malaysia played one of the key roles.

“Regardless of the global state of affairs, we stay committed to actively developing our relations with your country, which is truly our very important partner in the Asia-Pacific.

“Today, we not only celebrate our achievements but also the deep-rooted ties that connect Russia and Malaysia,” Latypov said at the Russian National Day at the JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur in Jalan Bukit Bintang.

Present were Latypov’s wife Marina Latypova, guest-of-honour National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang and Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu.

Latypov said that over the years, his country and Malaysia had fostered a robust partnership, characterised by mutual respect, cooperation and shared interests.

“Our bilateral relations encompass a wide range of areas including trade, defence and security, investment, education, culture, and tourism.

“Malaysia has been a steadfast partner to Russia, and we are grateful for the support and friendship we have received.

“Both our nations have worked hand-in-hand to strengthen economic ties, facilitating trade and investment opportunities that benefit our people,” Latypov said.

For the record, the Royal Malaysian Air Force broke tradition to acquire the 18 MiG-29N air superiority fighter jets in the late 1990s, followed by 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM Flankers in the early 2000s.

It also led to Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Sheikh Mustapha becoming the first Malaysian to be sent to space.

Orthopaedic surgeon Muszaphar achieved the feat on Oct 10, 2007 when he flew with Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko and the ‘Expedition 16’ crew on board space shuttle Soyuz TMA-11 to join the International Space Station (ISS).

The mission was possible following a bilateral collaboration with Russia for the purchase package of 1the Sukhois, reportedly worth US$900 million via a cash and oil palm crop trade-off.

Latypov said that recently, both countries had seen good growth in bilateral trade, which served as a testament to their potential and commitment.

“We managed to achieve remarkable results in educational exchanges which have brought our young minds closer together, allowing them to explore and understand each other’s cultures and traditions.

“These connections lay the foundation for a future generation that values diversity, cooperation, and global understanding. We are ready to work closely in the aerospace and cultural fields, as well as in other areas,” he said.

Latypov had little doubt that in the years ahead, bilateral relations between Russia and Malaysia would continue to strengthen, reaching new strategic horizons for the well-being and prosperity of both nations.

He was confident that the enduring friendship between Russia and Malaysia would continue to flourish and bring prosperity and happiness to its people.

Latypov also paid tribute to the Russian community in Malaysia which popularised the Russian language, culture and historical memory. Спасибо вам! (Spasibo vam – or thank you, in Russian).

Reflecting on his country, Latypov said that history of Russia spanned centuries, encompassing a diverse tapestry of cultural, scientific, and economic achievements.

“In the realm of science and innovation, our country has been at the forefront of groundbreaking discoveries.

“From the pioneering work of chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in formulating the periodic table, to the monumental achievements in space exploration – such as launching the first artificial satellite Sputnik and sending the first human Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin into space – Russian scientists have left an indelible mark on human knowledge and exploration.

“Our country has a vast economic potential, with abundant natural resources and a diverse industrial base.

“From oil and gas to aerospace, engineering, and technology, Russia presents inexhaustible opportunities to the development of the global economy,” he assured.

National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang and Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu present during the celebration. Photo: Embassy of the Russian Federation in Malaysia

Latypov added that Russia also lied on its immense diversity.

Spanning a vast territory, Russia was home to numerous ethnicities, languages, and religions living together in harmony.

“Russia is indeed a unique country with a strong commitment to preserving its traditional values and national identity, despite all the challenges it faces today.

“We are celebrating this occasion amid the global tectonic shifts, shaping a more just new multipolar world order. It goes without saying that Russia is at a crucial point of its history now.

“I am convinced that an overwhelming majority of countries understand the true reasons for the global turbulence we witness today,” said Latypov.

Although he did not mention it, his comments appeared to refer to his country’s conflict with Ukraine, as well as that between China and the United States.

Under these circumstances, he added, Russia remained committed to promoting world order that was rooted in international law and the principles of the United Nations.

As a staunch advocate for multilateralism, Russia recognised the importance of upholding the established norms and regulations that govern global affairs.

“We will not only see to it that our national interests are properly safeguarded but also actively participate in the creation of new transparent principles of international relations, that will leave no room for hegemony and dominance of one over the other.

“Hence, these principles should be based on mutual respect and equality.

“Such a development is already and, quite obviously, will continue to be faced with resistance from a bunch of countries self-proclaimed as international policemen and judges,” Latypov said.

PIX courtesy of Russian embassy: Russian ambassador Naiyl Latypov (right) joining National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang and Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu (left) to cut the anniversary cake at the Russian National Day at the JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur in Jalan Bukit Bintang. – airtimes.my


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